Support St Albans Morris and order your copy of Morris! Hey! here.

The Morris! Hey! was created by Mike Ruff – morris dancer and musician with St Albans Morris – to provide a simple and effective resource pack to support the teaching of Morris dancing.
There are 6 dances covering the main Morris traditions: Cotswold, Border, Molly and North West, and each dance is performed in full and then broken down into easy to follow instructions for steps and patterns with close ups, freeze frames and slow motion shots. The helpful book then backs this up with diagrams, descriptions and more hints.
Featuring the dancing of Fool’s Gambit and the music of Ollie King, Morris! Hey! has been revised to include:
- Two DVD’s with films of dances, showing close up details of the steps and figures required to learn and create Morris dances in three distinct styles.
- A music CD to support teaching, practice and performances.
- A booklet containing teaching notes, instructions and diagrams covering all of the dances shown in the DVD.
Support St Albans Morris and order your copy of Morris! Hey! here.