May 13th – Kings Road Memorial dedication

Kings Road St Albans held a cermony to mark the dedication of a new memorial to those former residents of the street who were killed in the First World War. The street memorial joins others in St Albans installed within the Abbey parish following the war. Kings Road, just outside the Abbey Parish boundary, had no memeorial to the 15 who lost their life. The current residents banded together to commission a contemporary installation mimicking the brick wall it is mounted on.

The dedication was followed by a street party, where despite unseasonably cool weather, food, drinks and entertainment by the residents was the order of the day. St Albans Morris joined in the entertainment with two spots, including the opportinity for the audience to join in, have fun, and warm up.

May 8th – Cross Keys – Harpenden

Our first Monday evening of the new summer season, despite a very threatening weather forecast we managed to entertain their clientele. Dancing immediatly outside the pub in the service road, before venturing inside for further refreshment, well ahead of the anticpated heavy rain.

May 1st – St Albans Clock Tower

Eschewing the traditional dancing the sun up at dawn we settled for a rather warmer and more civilised hour, 1 pm.

Dancing at the clock tower in St Albans for a sizable audience before retiring to the Boot to recover.

April 30th – Kensworth May Fair

We danced in the May, a little early, at Kensworth Church End on Sunday April 30th. After a service the choir came out to sing in the churchyard where the May Queen was crowned and the May Fair launched.

Good weather for this well attended event. St Albans Morris first dance out of the season and the first time for many years we’ve performed to ‘fiddle’ music. Many thanks to our guest musicians, Edward and Sophie, who have provided the tunes as our regular players were unavilable.