We had a great time at this annual event – part of St Albans Folk Festival. Thanks to Trevor for all of his work organising the evening and to everyone else who made it so enjoyable.
The Woodman, Wild Hill
Humid doesn’t quite do it justice, but where better to be on such a warm night than the Woodman at Wild Hill.
We were joined by our friends from Etcetera Morris Men and a small but enthusiastic audience.
We had a good evening in Redbourn on Monday, dancing first at The Cricketers and then for an appreciative audience at The Holly Bush, where two sticks were broken – some of our dancers don’t know their own strength!
Westminster Day of Dance
Here is a short video of us, dancing Vandals, as part of the massed dance in Trafalgar Square during Westminster Morris Men’s Day of Dance.
Sandridge – Queen’s Head and The Green Man
We had a good sized side dancing out in Sandridge last night with a warm welcome from the new landlord of The Green Man as we danced into the gathering dusk…
Living Crafts @ Hatfield House
The sun shone for us today when we danced at Living Crafts, Hatfield House. There was even a rare sighting of Harry the Hart…
We’re looking forward to going back next year, but if you can’t wait that long to see us, come join us at The Queen’s Head and the Green Man, Sandridge on Monday, 20th May.
Westminster Morris Men Day of Dance
St Albans Morris headed off for central London on Saturday, 11th May as guests of Westminster Morris Men for their day of dance.
Neither hail nor rain could not dampen our spirits as we danced the sights of the city with friends from Westminster and Hartely Morris Men and Camden Clog, wowing the crowds wherever we went with our enthusiasm and fleet-footed dancing, including massed dances in Trafalgar Square.
Thankfully, the sun eventually shone, giving us the chance to dance in the early evening warmth in front of the National Gallery.
Standalone Farm
We had a great time dancing on the early May Bank Holiday at Standalone Farm in Letchworth Garden City. It was good to see so many little farmers and their families joining in!
Now is the Month of Maying (almost)
Just a week to go until we start our 2019 season and dance out to mark the beginning of summer. Put it in your diary, tell your friends and join us at the Rose & Crown and the Six Bells in St Michael’s from 7:30pm on Wednesday, 1st May.
Dancing out in 2019
Our summer programme is now at the printers!
You can add St Albans Morris’ dance programme to your calendar by scanning our QR Code.